The first step to detoxifying society from fossil fuels is electrification. This is because all kinds of electricity can be easily generated by solar or other renewable electromagnetic generators. Yet, when you look at the numbers, we have a huge task of “subtracting from the total” in our electricity system if we hope to not switch from one dirty power source to another.
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So how much power do electromagnetic devices in this article’s scope —right from the “promise” side of the equation— actually use? And how much would they be under an “efficient” scenario that includes the use of cleaner power than in today’s grid? This article does look at the promise these machines hold to revolutionize all aspects of society but puts the issue of their actual energy impact up front.
An energy system that runs on the movement of electrically charged particles in an electronegative environment is one involving very basic connections—if not elementary ones—between assurance and the force fields around electronegative particles. At the center of the setup is something basic: a magnet (not an electromagnet). Around the magnet is a coil of wire (or several transformers, arrays of wires) through which an electric current is induced. This happens when a wire (or the coil of wire itself) moves within a magnetic field. So, what is power generation? The movin’ and shakin’ of basic ingredients—matter and magnetic fields—around an arrangement of basic magnets, wires, and a pre-existing magnetic field.
This is the essence of John Bedini’s key generator, and it really is nothing special.
Electromagnetic generators are among the most highly regarded renewable energy technologies because of their efficiency. Unlike conventional generators that burn fossil fuels and exhaust copious amounts of carbon when starting up and running, electric-based versions of such machines have a much lighter footprint. This is because electromagnetic generators do not use combustion, which makes them far more environmentally friendly. When they are used on devices employed in wind turbines or wave energy converters, for example, they serve as power solutions that help ensure the reliability and efficiency of those systems. And as the world pivots toward a greener energy future, that efficiency has become all the more crucial.
Generators that work by electromagnetic means can be made in any size, from those that power a whole building to small units that might be used in a single room. They are comparable in size to conventional electrical generators, and they sit alongside conventional systems in areas far from the power grid, such as mining camps, with limited access to conventional power sources. A recent study that looked into the utility of deep-sea currents for powering these generators found that they are a good choice for residential and industrial setups because the technology allows for a range of uses in a number of different settings. And that is key because demand for sustainable-energy solutions is growing.
In comparison with other power-producing systems, electromagnetic generators need only occasional light maintenance. These sine-wave compressors—with some units being completely stationary—have no moving parts. As a result, the components of sine-type generators experience far less wear. Indeed, the spend-rate of sine-type solutions appears to be an order of magnitude lower than hermetic or open-type designs. This means that sine-wave generators serve stationary applications, residential systems, and even mission-critical systems in industrial settings for much longer periods of time with far greater efficiency than systems that utilize piston-driven designs.
New techniques for optimal performance of electromagnetic generators are constantly under development. These range from new materials—such as the niobium-titanium compounds that make up the modern superconductor, which allows for smaller, lighter, and more efficient winding designs—all the way to how we control the magnetic field with superconducting coils, which also makes for more compact and efficient designs. Electromagnetic generators, by the way, are what most of us think of as “electric generators.” They’re what the electric vehicle, grid, and space technologies of today use to create electricity from motion. Tap into the opportunity to innovate with these machines, and you can imagine all kinds of efficient and sustainable applications.
The shift toward renewable energy sources is essential if we are to combat climate change and reduce our reliance on non-renewable fossil fuels. Flexible, electric powertrains will accept energy from a spectrum of renewable, energy-source networks. Flexible, electric powertrains will accept energy from a spectrum of renewable, energy-source networks. The most demanding and most vital part of this electric powertrain transition is the electromagnetic generator. Whether using wind, water, or another renewable energy source, the synergy of the generator and the electric motor in what I call a “renewable drivetrain” is a prime candidate for harnessing energy to electrify the world.
Electromagnetic generators are still a long way from being practical, despite being a contender with great potential. They lack efficiency and are not economically viable. Most people would think, and with reason, that the obvious next step is to take the designs that exist and work on them to improve those two serious shortcomings. Still, the implication of most discussions, including what I have said above, is that nearly all the work being done on these machines is work that will, in the end, benefit the machines themselves. But what if the generators themselves are not the eventual answer to the problem? What if the “problem” we’re trying to solve isn’t generating better electromagnetic generators?
In future years, the innovation, sustainability, and adaptability of today’s newer energy technologies will determine their success. In comparison with today’s power plants, modern electromagnetic generator systems promise much cleaner and far more efficient energy processes. Whether or not they can be effectively scaled up to serve as utility power plants is an open question. Still, they may well represent an energy landscape game changer, a key component of green tech, pushing us toward power plant systems that embody clean, sustainable, and efficacious energy principles.
The electromagnetic generator is a telling indicator of the schematics of a highly desired design case. There has always been tremendous, long-lived, and easy-to-maintain power from electromagnetics. Today’s better designs—using better materials, better efficiencies, and better environmental impacts—could change energy production radically. Yet, as with so many other “better” energy technologies, we’ve kept waiting to see them produce significant real-world impact. Will we keep waiting?